
The changing landscape of a career in paediatrics

We are producing four episodes that highlight each of the strategic aims in our College Strategy 2021-24. This is episode 2, a discussion with Vice President for Education and Professional Development, Dr Jonathan Darling and our Director for Education and Training, Daniel Waeland.
RCPCH Podcasts, with image of headphones

The education and training of paediatricians is the reason why the College exists. Our members and the communities they serve are better and healthier as a result of the training and continued support we provide.

This is why we dedicate a core strategic aim to education covering many areas such as lifelong learning, mentorship and choosing specialties. 

Dr Jonathan Darling

In our second episode, Dr Jonathan Darling, Clinical Associate Professor in Paediatrics and Child Health and Medical Education at the University of Leeds and Honorary Consultant General Paediatrician at the Leeds Children's Hospital at Leeds General Infirmary, shares his thoughts on the changes occurring in paediatric training and how the College plans to respond. 

The availability of more online learning, the updates made to RCPCH ePortfolio, the launch of Progress+ next summer and record attendance at RCPCH Conference are just a few of the exciting things happening at the College. 

I think that good education and professional development are vital to excellence in paediatric care. And they're also part of what brings fulfilment and satisfaction to our work. And I’d go so far as to say that it is the lifeblood of our specialty. 

Dr Jonathan Darling

Listen here or on your favourite podcast player. 
