
IPA and RCPCH discontinue plans to jointly host IPA Congress 2025

The International Pediatric Association (IPA) and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) discontinue their plans to jointly host IPA Congress 2025.
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RCPCH and IPA worked tirelessly to plan a financially sustainable and successful Congress for members and colleagues. Unfortunately, we have not been able to agree on a way forward. 

The IPA and RCPCH have therefore decided to discontinue their plans to jointly organize the Congress. The Congress was due to be held in Glasgow in June 2025.

Dr. Naveen Thacker, IPA President, said:

IPA was hoping to be in Scotland and in the European region in 2025 since our previous plan to meet in Glasgow was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of both IPA and RCPCH to reach agreement on Congress delivery, we have not been able to find a way forward.  We will therefore be announcing alternative plans for the IPA Congress 2025 soon.

In response, RCPCH President, Dr Camilla Kingdon said:

We remain committed to supporting the IPA, as members of the organisation. The College will continue to deliver its annual flagship conference in 2025 for RCPCH members.