
Highlights from RCPCH Conference 2023

Thank you to our speakers, sponsors, all of our members who attended RCPCH Conference 2023 in person and virtually and those who submitted posters. Check out some of our most memorable moments.
Image of conference screen banner
group of young people in front of fake flowers
Professional woman speaking at podium
two women smiling behind social photo booth
Conference speakers with mobile props
Professional women at conference workshop

Our senior Officers and CEO

Professional man speaking at podium

Lord Victor Adebowale

Online image of woman shown on screen

Professor Lucy Chappell

Professional man speaking at podium

Dr Sam Shah

Man speaking at podium at conference

Dr Bob Klaber

Middle aged woman speaking at podium

Professor Helen Minnis

Female speaker on conference speaker

Dr Maria Neira

2023 James Spence Medal winner Professor David Edwards

Award winner
image of mobile phone photo of a group of people
Man and woman looking at poster exhibit
group of young people walking in conference center
Professional women at conference
Older man speaking at podium
group smiling

2023 medical student prize winners

Group of medical student winners
group of conference attendees
Poster exhibition
Man experiencing virtual reality

2023 Foundation Doctor prize winners

Group of medical prize winners
Speaker behind a lectern, with screen behind
Group of women at conference
Conference prize winners
Woman receiving award at conference
Group of professionals in conference hall
group of runners in front of SEC in Glasgow

2023 Foundation Doctor prize winners

Large group of doctors at conference