


S.A.F.E. Toolkit Module 3 - From reaction to anticipation

Bringing the work of the previous modules, we can now look to implement one of the core S.A.F.E interventions, the huddle. This really embeds situation awareness on the ward. It embodies open communication of the current situation, including identification of the sickest patients as well as those wh...

RCPCH ePortfolio guidance for supporting training

RCPCH ePortfolio is the online learning tool for you and your trainees to review activities and monitor progress throughout the Progress+ curriculum. It is easy to use and stores everything trainees do in their timeline. RCPCH ePortfolio is on the risr/advance platform (formerly Kaizen).

Paediatric sub-specialty training - application guidance

In the UK paediatric training programme, it is possible to sub-specialise during specialty level training (ST5-ST7). Applications are made through a competitive recruitment process. Those who complete an approved programme of sub-specialty training are eligible to enter the GMC (General Medical C...

Professional ethics and law resources

​Paediatricians and other clinicians often have to take very difficult decisions while acting in strict accordance with the law and with sensitivity towards the customs and beliefs practiced by their patients and their patients' families. These resources are intended to support the training and crit...