It is vital that targeted job planning is used efficiently to organise the consultant workload and ensure excellent service levels, while job plans for SAS (Specialty and Specialist) doctors should mirror those of consultants. The job plan should reflect the professional nature of the 2003 consultant contract, the Specialty Doctors contract and recent revisions to the Terms and Conditions in addition to the continuing responsibility for care as described in the GMC’s Good Medical Practice.
Our consultant and SAS doctors job planning toolkit, published in 2023 and available to download below, provides clear guidance and support for paediatricians in their local job planning discussions.
The consultant and SAS doctor job plan should be compiled in collaboration with managers or employers around a set of objectives that align with those of the NHS, the organisation and the wider team. This reflects the movement from a target-driven approach to one that focusses on improved outcomes and quality of care for patients.
The toolkit sits alongside RCPCH Thrive Paediatrics and its Roadmap for transforming the working lives of paediatricians. Job and rota planning are key components of Thrive’s objectives to support consultant and SAS doctor working and wellbeing.
The toolkit covers preparation and review with a focus on programmed activities, including supporting professional activities, on-call and any additional duties together with information on less than full time working, annualisation and annual leave.