
Digital Growth Charts - an update from the development team

In early February 2021, we hosted a webinar to share information on the RCPCH Digital Growth Charts API (application programming interface). This will support the drive to digitise healthcare and provide accurately calculated centiles for height, weight, head circumference and BMI. Catch up by watching our video.

The development team - Dr Marcus Baw, GP and Software Developer, and Dr Simon Chapman, Paediatrician, King’s College Hospital NHS FT and South London and the Maudsley Hospitals NHS FT - explain the recently developed API and how it switches the paper charts into a digital format, enabling developers of electronic patient records to build apps and interfaces that will give clinicians solid data to improve care, and parents online access to their child's growth records.

This digital version of growth charts will help parents record and understand information about their child’s growth, securely online on their mobile device. It will also provide children with a digital element of their personal child health record that they can build on throughout their lives.

We have more information about our Digital Growth Charts. You can also explore , including links to our documentation. If you have any questions about the project, please contact growth.digital@rcpch.ac.uk.