
Workforce consultation responses - summary 2021-23

We lead and collaborate on consultations relating to the child health workforce in all four UK nations. Here we introduce these consultations, with links to our full responses published on this website.


Regulation of Physician Associates 

The college responded to the government consultation regarding legislation of anaesthesia associates and physician associates focussing on the role of the GMC in this future process. This response was developed alongside the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges as a joint response.

NHS Long Term Workforce Plan 

This was published in June 2023 with the overall aim of putting NHS "staffing on a sustainable footing and improve[ing] patient care" across three key areas: train, retain and reform. There was no explicit mention of paediatrics or children and young people within the plan outside of training place expansion for clinical psychology and child and adolescent psychotherapy, health visitors and the doubling of school nursing places by 2031/2032.  

College response to NHS Long Term Workforce Plan - 7 July 2023

NHS Pension Scheme

In December 2022, The NHS launched a consultation for proposed amendments to the current pension scheme; this was focussed on changes relating to new retirement flexibilities and inflationary adjustment of the annual tax allowance.  

College response to DHSC NHS Pension Scheme consultation - 27 January 2023

In March 2023, the Government responded to the consultation, with key points including an increase in the annual allowance from £40,000 to £60,000 and abolition of the lifetime allowance charge by April 2024. 

College response to proposed changes to NHS Pension Scheme - 29 March 2023

Spring Budget 2023

Labelled the ‘Budget for Growth’, the Spring budget included the pension scheme amendments; new childcare provisions for working parent; and energy bill caps.  

College response to Spring budget - 15 March 2023 

Welsh Government National Workforce Implementation

The Welsh government workforce policy team shared its draft national workforce implementation plan for feedback from a number of medical Colleges.  

College response to Wales national workforce implementation plan - 23 February 2023

GMC notification on curriculum changes 

The Workforce team contributed to the College (Training and Quality) GMC (General Medical Council) submission that confirmed deliverability and stakeholder support for key changes to the training pathway in February 2023.

»Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Progress+ curriculum and training pathway


NHSE ICB Executive Lead statutory guidance

The College was asked to provide input on the  in November 2022.

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges report on the State of the NHS

The Workforce team contributed to the Academy of Medical Royal College's  in September 2022.

Health and Social Care Committee Inquiry: Workforce recruitment, training and retention 

In July 2022, the Health and Social Care Committee published a report, Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care in England, highlighting lack of decisive action from the UK Government and calls for a radical review of working conditions.

College response to report - 26 July 2022

Statement for Conservative Leadership candidates 

In July 2022, the medical royal colleges and faculties published a joint statement calling on the next prime minister and leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party to make health and care a priority. 

HEIW Developing a Strategic Mental Health Workforce Plan for Health & Social Care

HEIW released their mental health workforce plan for health and social care, developed with Social Care Wales and the first of its kind in Wales. The plan aims to develop skills and capacity across health and social care; improve prevention and early intervention services, as well as addressing challenges and pressures on services for people with severe mental health needs.

College response to HEIW mental health workforce plan - March 2022

Northern Ireland Election Manifesto 

In March 2022, RCPCH published a manifesto for the health and wellbeing of children and young people  for all current and future politicians to consider ahead of Northern Ireland elections. The recommendations centred on a transformation of system and services; strengthening prevention and early intervention; reduction of child inequality and poverty; and workforce support.

HEIW Education and Training Plan 2023-24 

In 2022, the  detailed 2023/24 training and commissioning numbers for the education of the health professional workforce together with workforce planning information.  

College response submitted by email.

Scottish Government consultation on Mental Health and Wellbeing 

In June 2022, the Scottish government issued a consultation asking for input on the new including shared vision, outcomes, and how to improve people's mental health and wellbeing. 

College response submitted by email.


HEE Framework 15 consultation

The was put in place to review, renew and update the existing long term strategic framework for the health workforce to ensure the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours in place to deliver high quality service and patient care.

College response submitted via the HEE online platform.

HEIW Workforce and Strategy Consultation

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) and Social Care Wales (SCW) issued a consultation on its workforce strategy. 

College response to HEIW workforce strategy - September 2021 

Briefing: Health and Care Bill, July 2021 

College briefing - July 2021 (PDF)

Amendment Briefing: Health and Care Bill, December 2021 

College briefing - December 2021 (PDF)

For further information, please contact the team at: workforce@rcpch.ac.uk