Appendix A – Data Field Description Proforma,,,,,,,,,,,, Data Field Position,Column A,Column B,Column C,Column D,Column E,Column F,Column G,Column H,Column I,Column J,Column K, ,PDU code,PDU Name,Total no. of patients submitted to NPDA,Total no. of patients eligible for HbA1c analysis*,Patients used for HbA1c out-come analysis **,Patients excluded from HbA1c outcome analysis,% excluded from HbA1c outcome analysis,% with HbA1c<58 mmol/mol,Mean HbA1c (mmol/mol),Median HbA1c (mmol/mol),% of incomplete records of care processes except Hba1c, Data Field Description,Paediatric diabetes unit code (These are participating sites within England),Paediatric diabetes unit Name (These are participating sites within England and Wales),Total no. of patients with diabetes submitted by Paediatric diabetes unit ,Total no. of patients eligible for HbA1c analysis. Only HbA1c measurements taken more than three months after diagnosis were included as HbA1c close to diagnosis is not a reflection of the on-going management of diabetes. ,"Total no. of patients used for HbA1c outcome analysis. Patients must have a valid NHS number, date of birth, date of diagnosis and gender submitted to be included in analyses of care processes and outcomes. Furthermore, they must be assigned a PDU PZ code. ",Patients excluded from HbA1c outcome analysis,"Percentage (%) of patients used for HbA1c outcome analysis. Patients must have a valid NHS number, date of birth, date of diagnosis and gender submitted to be included in analyses of care processes and outcomes. Furthermore, they must be assigned a PDU PZ code.",Percentage (%) of patients with Glycated Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) less than<58mmol/mol (7.5%),Mean value HbA1c (mmol/ mol),Median value HbA1c (mmol/ mol),"Percentage of incomplete records who are missing all key care processes (except HbA1c). These care processes include measurement of cholesterol, blood pressure, blood creatinine, urinary albumin, body mass index, eye screening and foot examination. This applies to patients aged 12 years and older at the start of the audit period.", Data Field Type,Alphabet and numbers,text,Numbers,,Numbers,Percentage ,Percentage ,Percentage ,mmol/mol,mmol/mol,Percentage , Data Field Format,5 Alpha Numeric,text,Numbers,,Numbers,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,number,number,0.00%, "How Null Data Are Handled ie Null = """"",Not Applicable,Not Applicable,Not Applicable,,Not Applicable,"Null = ""Missing /or Invalid""","Null = ""Missing /or Invalid""","Null = ""Missing /or Invalid""","Null = ""Missing /or Invalid""","Null = ""Missing /or Invalid""",Not Applicable,