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The Archivist reserves the right to return to the donor any records deemed to be of no historical interest or, with the consent of the depositor, to transfer them to a more appropriate place of deposit or to destroy them. Conservation The Archive may at its discretion: Photograph, microfilm or otherwise copy or electronically reproduce the records. Carry out such work in regard to the conservation of the documents as may from time to time be considered desirable and practical by the Archivist. Withhold or limit public access to documents in a fragile condition until such time as all practical and necessary measures to conserve them have been carried out. The Archive agrees to take all reasonable steps necessary to minimise deterioration in the physical condition of the records arising from the inexorable processes of biological and chemical decay and shall endeavour so far as labour and funding permit to carry out preventative or restorative conservation work to the records. Listing Where possible, the donor will provide a list of material being donated to the Archive The records will be added to the Archives programme of cataloguing. Unless stated, there is no time scale for when the collection will be catalogued as it will be dependent on available resources. The Archive will catalogue all collections in its custody to a level and in a manner appropriate to their nature and number. This will usually include numbering the documents with a finding reference for their identification. The copyright in all such lists and other finding aids will be vested in the Archive. A summary description of the records may be made available on the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and such other sites as provide internet access at the discretion of the Archivist. Access At the discretion of the Archivist/Librarian and subject to the relevant access legislation, records will be made freely available to bona fide researchers. Records will also be made freely available to the donor, to members of his or her family and to such other persons as the donor may from time to time nominate. Consultation of Archive collections will be conducted under the supervision of the Archivist. By agreement with the depositor and the Archivist, restrictions may be placed on public access to archive records for a specific period of years either because of the particular sensitivity of their contents or to comply with legal requirements such as the Data Protection Act. Publication and copyright The donor hereby assigns with full title guarantee copyright of the deposited materials to the Archive and successors for use throughout the world. At the discretion of the Archive and subject to the Copyright Acts for the time being in force, the Archive may supply single copies of literary records to readers, on payment of an appropriate charge, for the purpose of non-commercial private study or research. The Archive reserves the right to publish donated records in Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health publications, on the web, or by way of other electronic formats. All acknowledgements in publications or other media should be to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. The donor will not be individually acknowledged, unless otherwise stated in the donation agreement. Exhibitions and Lectures Records may be required for exhibitions or to illustrate talks and lectures by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. They may be displayed in original or copy form at the discretion of the Archivist, unless otherwise stated in the donation agreement. Additional Donations All future donations to this collection will be covered under the terms of the original donation agreement and added to the existing schedule, unless specifically stated in writing by the donator(s). Use of Personal Data The Donor acknowledges that the Archive will retain the donors personal data (name, address, telephone number and email address) in order to identify the records deposited under the terms of the agreement and to contact the donor if there are any queries about access and reproduction of the material We will also use the personal data of the donor to contact the donor with information about any Archive outreach events in the future. Please tick this box if you are happy for us to do this  FORMCHECKBOX  Legal The Agreement for Donation and Terms of Donation shall be governed and construed according to the law of England and Wales. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in the Agreement or Terms of Donation shall confer on any third party any benefit or right to enforce any provision thereof. 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