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Warning TextXTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`5Example scoresheet,  ;a5b` Comments Scoring criterion number CandidateScoring guidanceYPlans well articulated e.g. including details of specific courses/training opportunities Scoring criterionProject(Plan is described, but substantial gaps 6Discussion of importance of study poor or unrealistic Research objectivesConcise and achievable Require minor revisionRequires minor revisionRequires major revisionRequire major revision1Specified research objectives poor or unrealisticNo research objectives providedNPlans well articulated but applicant does not identify specific opportunities Straightforward and workable No case definition providedScoreNo plans provided-No discussion of importance of study providedPublic and patient involvement &Training environment and wider support%No evidence of adequate time providedPlans poor or unrealisticBDiscussion of time requirement or availability poor or unrealisticWOther aspects of study design (Expected number of cases and Additional sources of data).No information provided on at least one aspectcExcellent (N of cases likely to be manageable and plans for additional data helpful and achievable)Some concerns re both aspects -No information on public involvement provided8Evidence of feasible plans for robust public involvement4Discussion of public involvement poor or unrealistic:Substantial underestimate of public involvement required Total score#Support available to the applicant DExcellent: clear statement of adequate supervision and other support9No information on support available to applicant provided@Discussion of support available to applicant poor or unrealistic0Some concerns re one aspect of support available9Some concerns re two or more aspects of support available)Applicant's time available to lead study 2Contribution of bursary to applicant's developmentM Estimate of time requirement e"4h per week and evidence this will be availableMEstimate of time requirement <4h per week and evidence this will be available?Estimate of time provided but unclear if this will be availableWDemonstrates understanding of the importance of PPI and easy to offer guidance from SC )Any general comments on this application?TSome concerns re one aspect (e.g. N of cases likely to be excessive (>300 per year))ZMajor concern re at least one aspect (e.g. N of cases likely to be too few (<30 per year))2Application possibly ineligible for Tizard bursaryXAny concerns that this application may be ineligible for the Tizard bursary (see below)?'Eligibility criteria for Tizard bursaryApplicant must be RCPCH memberuSpecialty trainee (any grade), academic trainee, or new consultant (within 3 years of appointment to consultant post)Joint applications (i.e. where two applicants work together on a BPSU study under supervision and share the award) are acceptableThe team must not have previously submitted an application on the same topic for consideration by the BPSU scientific committee:Any one candidate can only submit one application per yearMinimal experience+No evidence of relevant experience providedBenefits of studyCEvidence of benefit to patients, public health and service deliveryUEvidence of benfit to patients and service delivery but no major public health impactEvidence of limited benefitCase definition(s)0Specified case definition(s) poor or unrealistic!Supervisor s experience: research$Supervisor s experience: supervisionEExperience of audit/quality improvement/service development projects 2Experience of academic supervision at PhD/MD level9Experience of academic supervision at undergraduate level3Experience of academic supervision at Masters level-Experience of supervising doctors in training 2.5 / 2.6cExperience of other substantial project and description of how skills relate to proposed BPSU study'Experience of other substantial project(Experience of other small scale project PExperience of leading a BPSU study (or similar epidemiological research project)XExperience of contributing to a BPSU study (or similar epidemiological research project)7Experience of other (non BPSU/epidemiological) researcheSupervisor confident of applicant's suitability and capacity to benefit, supporting evidence providedlSupervisor confident of applicant's suitability and capacity to benefit, but no supporting evidence providedMConfidence in applicant's suitability and capacity to benefit appears limitedQDiscussion of applicant's suitability and capacity to benefit poor or unrealisticJNo information on applicant's suitability and capacity to benefit providedISupervisor s statement on applicant's suitability and capacity to benefit!Applicant's skills and experience>Paediatrician working (at least part of their time) in the NHS3Applicant must not have previously led a BPSU studyYAll applications will be independently scored by members of the BPSU scientific committeeZThe bursary will not necessarily be awarded to the application with the highest mean scorerThe committee will then discuss the applications and come to a collective decision regarding award of the bursary STUDY NAME - APPLICANT NAMEbm X [!z">$%s ((* I, %./bs2ccB ZO  b=F1PXX  dMbP?_*+%+S&~?'~?(~?)~?MAdobe PDFS 4JXXA4PRIV ''''0P4(FFSMTJ0EBDAStandard" JXX `? `?&`U} L}  J} -P}  D} H}  K} EXH} . 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Oh+'0 PXd SummaryInformation( &DocumentSummaryInformation8+|CompObjMlNorfolk & Norwich NHS TrustFarhana AhmedMicrosoft Excel@.&@V Y@" ՜.+,D՜.+,l( PX|  Norfolk & Norwich NHS Trust Example scoresheet 'Example scoresheet'!Print_Area  Worksheets Named Ranges%1= I   I iuProject/ contract end date7display_urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#EditorOrder!gb7faaab0d2a420d8131b4157e2a2c2bInformation type_ExtendedDescriptionBusiness Activity _Source 7display_urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Author Business Function !gf6329374eda4ce38082f827e5661e12 !o2776ba2a6a044eca862e598a9de0dcc!h82ce1f6f92b47caad720267185734f0Project/ contract status!mfdbdcff64b240c2b92e0232b1849e88Archive!k3703cc5d7f8480baebfc783583925cb!i8d57bfa219744c8866d04bb03bc229f DivisionDocument status TaxCatchAllMediaServiceImageTags!lcf76f155ced4ddcb4097134ff3c332fFarhana Ahmed100.000000000000E:\Shared\Research & Quality Improvement\BPSU\Documents\2. Surveillance studies\5. SPTB\Tizard Bursary 22-23\1. Paperwork\Final\SPTB score sheet 22-23.xlsNorfolk & Norwich NHS Trust01;#BPSU|e8df4953-c830-4db9-8077-11304c88087eHResearch & Quality Improvement|c788aced-109f-432d-9368-116094370ebc,BPSU|e8df4953-c830-4db9-8077-11304c88087eL2;#Research & Quality Improvement|c788aced-109f-432d-9368-116094370ebcx2;#Research & Quality Improvement|c788aced-109f-432d-9368-116094370ebc;#1;#BPSU|e8df4953-c830-4db9-8077-11304c88087e F Microsoft Excel 2003 WorksheetBiff8Excel.Sheet.89qlement>