
Global child health

Our global programmes help us improve child health worldwide. Find out more about what we do and the impact we have around the world on our Global child health pages.


Refugees - statement on COVID-19

Controlling and containing the immediate and long-range threat of COVID-19 requires transnational and global coordination and collaboration. In this position statement, first published on 28 April 2020, we urge all governments to enhance their support to refugee communities, and the UK Government to...
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Child Health Futures - Global Child Health

We advance the clinical knowledge and skills of doctors, nurses and other health workers in low- to middle-income countries. Our changes to hospital systems improve the overall quality of care for mothers and children. Can you support us?

Global child health - courses and overseas placements

RCPCH Global manages health system strengthening programmes in some of the world's most challenging countries (including Nepal, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Myanmar and Lebanon). As part of our commitment to training the global workforce, we support workforce learning including online and UK-based face-to-...