
International work and repressive regimes - position statement

RCPCH is fully committed to the universal imperative of supporting the health and welfare of infants, children and young people regardless of where they happen to be in the world, as consistent with the articles of constitution of the College. RCPCH is an independent charitable organisation and is non-political and non-partisan.

RCPCH Global involvement in other countries is generally through invitation by a sister paediatric organisation or through the offices of an independent international or multilateral body such as the World Health Organisation or UNICEF. Our global work is dedicated to improving health systems and clinical capabilities in order to benefit the health of infants, children and young people. The College rigorously monitors the impact of its global work.

RCPCH Examinations involvement in other countries is undertaken with support of local paediatricians, often via local paediatric societies or other organisations with a mandate for raising standards for child health. Our examinations are internationally recognised as benchmarks for good practice in child health. The RCPCH鈥檚 overseas examinations activity is overseen, and kept under regular review, by the Examinations Executive and Executive Committee.

Under its Royal Charter, RCPCH must advocate for child health, including voicing criticism of conditions internationally which are in breach of global child health norms and standards. RCPCH may support sister paediatric bodies in their articulation of public positions with respect to child health policy within other countries.

RCPCH presence in countries outside the UK does not constitute endorsement of a particular regime or government. We monitor conditions and behaviour of all relevant actors to ensure that our presence, inadvertently or otherwise, cannot be used to support or substantiate policies or practices detrimental to child health and the interests of children and young people. We constantly assess our activity and reserve the right to withdraw from working in any country where there is any interference or distortion with our overriding imperative to improve child health.