
Ethics and the Law Advisory Committee (ELAC)

The ELAC is the College lead on interpreting the principles of ethics as they underpin day-to-day medical practice. The Committee looks at the constantly evolving legal and ethical worlds and how they interact within the paediatric field.

This aims of this committee is to also: 

  • advise on how ethics of paediatric medicine interface with common and statute law
  • ensure medical practitioners of all grades can access appropriate education and training opportunities on ethics and the law, and how both of these affect their practice
  • educate why medical ethics demands respect for children's welfare, moral status and rights.

Past projects

Among the work previously undertaken by the ELAC to support ethics education and set standards are:

  • surveying paediatric trainees for information on how they learn about ethics and where they think the best information on ethics is available
  • producing advice documents for publication in Archives of Disease in Childhood
  • representing paediatrics on different ethics working groups
  • advising individual doctors and other groups, including other charities dealing with children, on how best to deal with ethical dilemmas.

If you would like to contact the ELAC, please contact the Committee Co-Ordinator, Charlotte Hughes: committees@rcpch.ac.uk.