
Parent or carer


Social media guidance

Online interactions and use of social media are certainly not new, but we have put together some references to support our members' work in this area. These cover doctors' use of social media, the impact of screen time on children and young people as well as resources for parents, carers and young p...

Take my advice: Supporting your child with the new term's challenges

The start of the new school year can be particularly stressful. In a new blog for parents, Dr Max Davie, Officer for Health Promotion at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, shares his advice on how to keep children healthy, mentally as well as physically, as they prepare to head throu...

Epilepsy Passport evaluation (2018)

Two years after its launch, we carried out an evaluation to understand how healthcare professionals, children and young people and their families use the Epilepsy Passport. This tells us which aspects of the Passport have been successful and which need improvement.