The , signed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the four Statutory Education Bodies in the UK, acknowledges the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK population’s health and wellbeing, and that "training has continued, where possible, with educators and trainees finding new ways to interact and learn."
The letter notes that changes have been made to Annual Review of Competences (ARCP) outcomes to enable as many doctors in training as possible to progress, with more information on the COPMeD website at (this link is in the letter, but if it does not work you can copy and paste into your web browser).
You can also read RCPCH guidance on managing ARCPs in this period.
The letter also states: "Colleges and the Postgraduate Deans and their teams will need to work closely with their Local Education Providers and Trust / Health Board / Practice educators to ensure that postgraduate medical training, and the supervision of other healthcare learners and students, are given the priority they need. This will ensure that training can be delivered to the high standards required and that trainees will be enabled to progress and complete their training so that delivery of care will continue to be safe in the future."