
Electronic discharge summary within 24 hours - PRSB eDischarge summary

This page provides a best practice example for standard 7 of Facing the Future: Together for child health standards, which outlines guidance developed by the Professional Records Standards Body on standards for organising information on discharge. This is a key component of improving patient safety and ensuring continuity of care.

Standard 7: When a child presents with unscheduled care needs the discharge summary is sent electronically to their GP and other relevant healthcare professionals within 24 hours and the information is given to the child and their parents and carers.


The RCPCH has endorsed the Professional Records Standards Body's eDischarge summary guidance. 

  • The eDischarge Summary Standard enables hospitals to safely transfer standardised clinical information using PRSB headings and coded data (SNOMED-CT and dm+d), which can be extracted directly into GP IT systems when a patient is discharged from hospital care.
  • The Standard ensures all relevant information on diagnoses, medications, procedures and allergies about patients is shared with GPs in order to improve the quality and consistency of care.