


Access to immediate advice and assessment from paediatrician with Level 3 safeguarding

This page provides a best practice example for standard 10 of Facing the Future: Standards for acute general paediatric services. The RCPCH Child Protection Standing Committee have developed this model for teams to have access to immediate advice and assessment from a paediatrician with child protec...

Immediate telephone for specialist advice - WESPGHAN

This page provides a best practice example for standard 9 of Facing the Future: Standards for acute general paediatric services, which explains the Wessex Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition Network, which provides immediate specialist telephone advice across the Wessex region. Acces...

Global child health - our impact

Since our foundation, we at RCPCH have embraced a commitment, beyond our work in the UK, to improving child health in the world's poorest countries. We train, mentor and advise on a wide range of medical issues which affect infant and child care services worldwide. Take a look at what we do, watch v...

Welsh Paediatric Society (WPS)

WPS was founded in 1973 to provide a political and social network for Welsh paediatricians; promoting good practice, sharing knowledge and undertaking research while providing friendship and goodwill.

Increasing data completeness for two year follow up data - a case study for NNAP

The following case study was included in the 2016 National Neonatal Audit Programme annual report to highlight how some neonatal networks and units have used NNAP results as a basis for identifying and undertaking local quality improvement activities. It is presented by Dr Kate Palmer, Consultant Ne...