
Children and young people's voice

Through the RCPCH &Us programme, we work with children, young people and families to improve child health.


NI Executive Children and Young People’s Strategy 3 Year Delivery Plan - consultation response

In 2021 the Department of Education published the overarching 10 Year Children and Young People’s Strategy (2020 – 2030) on behalf of the NI Executive. Subsequently, in 2022, the Executive produced an initial draft three Year Delivery Plan (2021-24) and published for public consultation.

Epilepsy12 - national organisational audit and clinical audit - 2021

Epilepsy is the commonest significant neurological disorder affecting children and young people. Published in July 2021, these latest results from Epilepsy12 provide insight into the diagnosis and care of children and young people with epilepsy, and the organisation of paediatric epilepsy services i...