
Consultation response


Transforming children and young people's mental health provision: inquiry - consultation response

In January 2018 the RCPCH responded to the Health and Education select committee’s request for an inquiry into this green paper. We had five key points on the scope and implementation of the proposals: supporting mental health care for all children; prevention and early intervention; building on wha...

Transforming children and young people's mental health provision: green paper - consultation response

In February 2018 the RCPCH responded to this green paper by the Department for Health and the Department for Education. While we support the paper's ambition, we do not believe it is sufficiently ambitious to achieve the goals we outlined in our State of Child Health report. The green paper also mis...

Children in need of help and protection - consultation response

In 2018 we responded to the Department for Education's call for evidence on the educational outcomes for children of help and protection. We highlighted the need for collaboration between schools, social care and paediatrics to ensure children’s needs are being met across all sectors.