

Diabetes UK - RD Lawrence Fellowship [CLOSED]

The RD Lawrence Fellowship is a career development fellowship that enables postdoctoral researchers to establish their independence in diabetes research.
Award programme/theme
Funding amount range
Over £500,000
Maximum duration
5 years
Submission deadline

Diabetes UK - Sir George Alberti Research Training Fellowship [CLOSED]

Enables graduate healthcare professionals to work towards a PhD or MD in diabetes and develop a career in research.
Award programme/theme
Funding amount range
£250,001 to £500,000
Maximum duration
3 years
Submission deadline

Diabetes UK - Project Grants [OPEN]

Provides support for high-quality, diabetes-related research. Applications should normally be for hypothesis-driven projects.
Award programme/theme
Project grant
Funding amount range
£250,001 to £500,000
Maximum duration
3-5 years
Submission deadline

Academy of Medical Sciences - Springboard for Biomedical Scientists [CLOSED]

Supports early-career researchers to undertake small research projects, helping newly independent biomedical scientists to launch their research careers.
Award programme/theme
Starter grant / pilot grant
Funding amount range
£50,001 to £100,000
Maximum duration
2 years
Submission deadline

Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation - Pump-Priming Grants [CLOSED]

Supports research related to causes, cures or complications of diabetes.
Award programme/theme
Starter grant / pilot grant
Funding amount range
Under £50,000
Maximum duration
2 year
Submission deadline

‘Worrying’ inequalities gap highlighted in children’s emergency healthcare

School-aged children from the poorest areas are two and a half times more likely to be admitted to hospital in an emergency for asthma than their counterparts in the richest areas, and this gap has grown substantially in a decade, new research reveals today.

Paediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology CSAC

The College Specialty Advisory Committees (CSACs) supervise the development and delivery of sub-specialty training and assessment standards. CSACs are sub-committees of our Education and Training Quality Committee, which helps the College set these standards within a training programme that is recog...

Local Government Association calls for urgent action on childhood obesity following increase in children with Type 2 diabetes

Ahead of the first anniversary of the publication of the Government’s childhood obesity plan the Local Government Association (LGA) is calling for urgent action to tackle childhood obesity, given the rising rates of children diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Although not every case of Type 2 diabetes ...