
National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) - transparency and open data

NPDA collects data from paediatric diabetes units from across England, Wales and Jersey and reports annually. This page has information about the data collection process and analysis, our privacy statements and data protection impact assessment, and how you can access NPDA data for research.

Privacy statement

The NPDA has section 251 approval to collect patient-identifiable data without explicit patient consent. This data is processed and reported by the NPDA team at RCPCH, with HQIP (Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership) and NHS England as the joint data controllers.

You can download our full privacy statements for the core audit and any patient-level spotlight audits conducted by the NPDA, as well as versions for young people below. You can also download the NPDA data protection impact assessment, showing compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK data protection legislation.

Data flows within the audit

You can download our NPDA data flow process below.

Opting out of the NPDA

If you are a child or young person with diabetes, or the parent/carer of a child or young person with diabetes, you can opt-out by asking your paediatric diabetes team not to submit your data to the NPDA. If you live in Jersey, you can email the clinical audit team at HSSClinicalAuditDepartment@health.gov.je 

You can also inform the NPDA team directly at npda@rcpch.ac.uk

Outlier management

The RCPCH has put together an outlier management policy for national clinical audits. The NPDA's outlier management policy closely follows the process set out in the RCPCH policy. You can download both NPDA and RCPCH outlier management policies below.

Data files and analysis

We have made the data files from each audit year of the NPDA available for you to download. These, along with the description files, are also available on .

You can download notes on data analysis and validation below.

Data access

If you are interested in accessing unpublished data from the NPDA, you can download our data access information below.

Trust quality account information

The information below may be used to support Trusts in England for their Trust Quality Account submission.

2022-23 audit

  • Audit period - 1 April 2022- 31 March 2023
  • Data collection end date - 26 May 2023
  • Participation - 100% of paediatric diabetes units (PDUs) in England and Wales
  • Coverage - 100% of all patients attending each PDU
  • Number of patients entered - Please contact the clinical lead at the service - we cannot release numbers until after publication.
  • National report publication date - April 2024

2023-24 audit

  • Audit period - 1 April 2023- 31 March 2024
  • Data collection end date - 24 May 2024
  • Participation - 100% of paediatric diabetes units (PDUs) in England and Wales
  • Coverage - 100% of all patients attending each PDU
  • Number of patients entered - Please contact the clinical lead at the service - we cannot release numbers until after publication.
  • National report publication date - March 2025