
Facing the Future - acute general paediatric services

It is essential that paediatrics is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week specialty, with the most experienced doctors present at the busiest times. Our report sets out ten standards for high quality, safe and sustainable acute general paediatric services.

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RCPCH Invited Reviews Service - how a review can help and our processes

The Invited Reviews Service delivers clinically led peer reviews to healthcare organisations when they need independent, objective expert advice and external assurance on the clinical services and quality of care they provide. Invited Reviews aim to provide a safe space for active listening, and...

Access to immediate advice and assessment from paediatrician with Level 3 safeguarding

This page provides a best practice example for standard 10 of Facing the Future: Standards for acute general paediatric services. The RCPCH Child Protection Standing Committee have developed this model for teams to have access to immediate advice and assessment from a paediatrician with child protec...

Immediate telephone for specialist advice - WESPGHAN

This page provides a best practice example for standard 9 of Facing the Future: Standards for acute general paediatric services, which explains the Wessex Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition Network, which provides immediate specialist telephone advice across the Wessex region. Acces...

Facing the Future - standards for acute general paediatric services

It is essential that paediatrics is a 24 hours a day, seven days a week specialty, with the most experienced doctors present at the busiest times. Our report sets out ten standards for high quality, safe and sustainable acute general paediatric services.